North Canal Blvd/Martin Luther King Water Tower Painting Project Re-Bid
Louisiana > City of Thibodaux
Sealed Bid: 32177021
Listing Information/Advertisement:

SECTION 00 11 13
The City of Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, will receive ELECTRONIC BIDS for the North Canal Street/Martin Luther King Water Tower Painting project.  All bids will be received electronically by the City of Thibodaux until 10:00 A.M. local time, on Monday, May 22, 2023, at which time bids will be retrieved from the Central Auction House (CAH) website and read aloud at City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 310 West 2nd Street, Thibodaux, LA 70301.  Only electronic bids submitted on will be accepted.
Bid documents are posted on    To view these, download, receive bid notices by e-mail, and submit the bid you must register with Central Auction House (CAH).  Vendors/Contractors must submit their bids electronically.  For information about the electronic submittal process, contact Central Auction House at 1-833-412-5717.
A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 9:00 A.M. local time on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at the North Canal Street Water Tower, then move to the Martin Luther King Water Tower.   The pre-bid conference will be conducted to discuss the Plans, Specifications, and project requirements.
The Contract Documents (Plans, Information for Bidders, Bid Form, Specifications and other pertinent documents) may be examined at the following location:
Process and Controls Engineering, LLC
9 Flamingo Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
To qualify to bid, each bidder shall be a properly licensed Contractor in accordance with La. R.S. 37:2150 – 2163 for the classification of MUNICIPAL AND PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION or PAINTING, COATING AND BLASTING.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.
Each bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders.  Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.
A bidder may withdraw their bid within forty-eight (48) hours of the bid opening, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays as governed by La. R.S. 38:2214 (C).
Any questions or clarifications shall be submitted to the Project Engineer, Daniel T. Foglesong, in writing a minimum of five (5) days prior to the bid opening date.  Addenda will be issued to all prospective bidders a minimum of 48 hours prior to the bid opening date.  Only information provided within written addenda issued by the Project Engineer shall be considered binding.

Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact Thibodaux Council Administrators Office no later than seven (7) days prior to the bid opening.
/s/Jennifer Morvant
Jennifer Morvant, Council Administrator
Publication Dates:        April 26, 2023
                                     May 3, 2023
                                     May 10, 2023

Creator Username: cityofthibodaux
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 26-Apr-2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 22-May-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 816 Views, 19 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 22-May-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
precisioninspectionllc on 27-Apr-2023 11:14:24 AM CDT
Questions: Electrical: SECTION 26 00 00 - ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION: There is only one light per tank in the pictures. Are we only removing and installing one light per tank. Also, am I understanding that we are only to install conduit on the Martin Luther King Tank? * Plans for MARTIN LUTHER KING WATER TOWER PAINTING FOR THIBODAUX WATER PLANT SHEET 1: I see that on the drawing of both tanks. It states Water Tower Overflow Piping Details: ON MARTIN LUTHER KING IT SHOWS THE INSTALLATION OF AN OVERFLOW PIPE. HOWEVER TH PICTURE OF THE TANK SHOWING PARTIAL ELEVATE - LOOKING WEST SHOWS AND INLET PIPE. COULD YOU EXPLAIN WHAT TANKS HAVE OVERFLOW AND INLET PIPES . 'IS THE COTTERMAN MODEL LG6 C1 P2, STEEL, 6FT LADDER GATE TO BE INSTALLED JUST ON THE NORTH CANAL TANK?
cityofthibodaux on 27-Apr-2023 11:51:59 AM CDT
Message: Questions: Electrical: SECTION 26 00 00 - ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION: There is only one light per tank in the pictures. Are we only removing and installing one light per tank. - there are two (2) lights one each tank - you may need to zoom in on the lights to see them - both lights are mounted on the same stand Also, am I understanding that we are only to install conduit on the Martin Luther King Tank? CLX cable will be installed on Martin Luther King tank only, no conduit required * Plans for MARTIN LUTHER KING WATER TOWER PAINTING FOR THIBODAUX WATER PLANT SHEET 1: I see that on the drawing of both tanks. It states Water Tower Overflow Piping Details: ON MARTIN LUTHER KING IT SHOWS THE INSTALLATION OF AN OVERFLOW PIPE. HOWEVER TH PICTURE OF THE TANK SHOWING PARTIAL ELEVATE - LOOKING WEST SHOWS AND INLET PIPE. COULD YOU EXPLAIN WHAT TANKS HAVE OVERFLOW AND INLET PIPES . Martin Luther King water tower will have a new overflow pipe installed. Both North Canel Street and Martin Luther King water towers have inlet pipes. 'IS THE COTTERMAN MODEL LG6 C1 P2, STEEL, 6FT LADDER GATE TO BE INSTALLED JUST ON THE NORTH CANAL TANK? It is to be installed on the Martin Luther King water tower only.
precisioninspectionllc on 28-Apr-2023 7:36:15 AM CDT
Question: You are stating the Martin Luther King and North Canal have inlet pipes (existing) So we are not installing inlet pipes? Just install overflow pipe on MLK? Just confirming that the drawing is referring to the MLK Tank and not the North Canal Tank. Are we just connecting the overflow pipe from the roof top or do we connect inside the tank and fabricating to the top and coming down on the outside of the tank?
cityofthibodaux on 28-Apr-2023 9:33:44 AM CDT
You are stating the Martin Luther King and North Canal have inlet pipes (existing) So we are not installing inlet pipes? Correct, not installing inlet pipes. Just install overflow pipe on MLK? Correct Just confirming that the drawing is referring to the MLK Tank and not the North Canal Tank. Correct Are we just connecting the overflow pipe from the roof top or do we connect inside the tank and fabricating to the top and coming down on the outside of the tank? Perform all work required to install a new overflow system, including penetration of water tower tank shell plate, fabrication and installation of all piping and supports as detailed on drawing titled Water Tower Overflow Piping Details. Per the drawing, piping comes through the catwalk and is supported to one of the Water Tower Legs. Water drains into an existing Yard Drain.
precisioninspectionllc on 09-May-2023 7:03:53 AM CDT
Question From My Electrician: For the MLK Tower the existing power cable is to be replaced. The new power cable is to be CLX type (12/3 MC-HC cable) which is to be installed as is, in other words, without protective conduit. Is this correct?
cityofthibodaux on 09-May-2023 12:01:10 PM CDT
Yes, CLX is metal clad cable.
cityofthibodaux on 09-May-2023 12:03:40 PM CDT
Yes, CLX is metal clad cable that does not require conduit to be protected.
on 12-May-2023 6:51:59 AM CDT
Please confirm that the anticipated start date is September 2023.
CristylS on 12-May-2023 6:52:22 AM CDT
Will there be a 3rd party inspector for this project? If so, who will it be? If a final decision has not been made, who is being considered?
CristylS on 12-May-2023 6:52:34 AM CDT
Do the existing coatings contain lead on either the interior or the exterior of either of the two tanks?
CristylS on 12-May-2023 6:52:43 AM CDT
The powerlines are within 10’ of the containment. Will they be deenergized or relocated? If not, we will be direct violation of OSHA regulations – which can result in heavy fines for both the owner and the contractor. -
cityofthibodaux on 12-May-2023 8:47:26 AM CDT
The powerlines are within 10’ of the containment. Will they be deenergized or relocated? If not, we will be direct violation of OSHA regulations – which can result in heavy fines for both the owner and the contractor. - - the referenced standard applies to cranes and other equipment that rotates, extends, etc. that could move in such a way as to come in contact with a power line. My understanding is that the painting companies are using lifts that only go up and down, so as long as they set up the correct distance away from the power line to meet the standard, we will be in compliance. Additionally, the power company will install insulating covers over the power lines, so they will no longer be uninsulated and will not pose an electrical shock risk.
cityofthibodaux on 12-May-2023 8:48:16 AM CDT
Do the existing coatings contain lead on either the interior or the exterior of either of the two tanks? - No
cityofthibodaux on 12-May-2023 8:48:47 AM CDT
Will there be a 3rd party inspector for this project? - Yes If so, who will it be? - Inspection companies are still being evaluated If a final decision has not been made, who is being considered? - I am not in a position to make this public at this time
cityofthibodaux on 12-May-2023 8:49:11 AM CDT
Please confirm that the anticipated start date is September 2023. - The start date has not been determined and will be finalized once the bid has been awarded, but could be as late as September 2023
precisioninspectionllc on 12-May-2023 9:57:24 AM CDT
Just verifying that only one Addendum has been issued thus for.
cityofthibodaux on 12-May-2023 10:37:15 AM CDT
There has only been one addendum added thus far, and since everyone receives automatic notification of any addendum or message submitted to Central Bidding, you should not miss anything that is posted.
precisioninspectionllc on 17-May-2023 11:26:50 AM CDT
On MLK water tower description In the bid documents, the MC cable for the ladder is to be terminated on ground level at the “light panel”. Please advise on the location of said light panel, and it’s distance from the base of the ladder. Also, whether this MC cable is to be buried underground in route to this light panel. Will demo be needed for the existing MC cable from the panel to the top of the water tower?
cityofthibodaux on 17-May-2023 2:40:42 PM CDT
On MLK water tower description In the bid documents, the MC cable for the ladder is to be terminated on ground level at the light panel - Cable called out in the plans is CLX, not MC. Please advise on the location of said light panel - Light panel is approximately 50' from the tower ladder - the light panel was pointed out in the bid walk and it’s distance from the base of the ladder. Base of the ladder is approximately 3' from the conduit Also, whether this MC cable is to be buried underground in route to this light panel. - CLX cable will not be buried. New cable will be installed in the existing buried conduit going from the bottom of the tower slab to the light panel Will demo be needed for the existing MC cable from the panel to the top of the water tower? - Yes, existing cable and conduit from the existing lights will be demolished
All updates/changes are listed below::
27-Apr-2023 1:11:10 PM CDT
Addendum 1 Added
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project Viking Painting, LLC =SEALED= 19-May-2023 11:00:31 AM CDT
North Canal Blvd/Martin Luther King Water Tower Painting Project Re-Bid
Viking Painting, LLC
10905 Harrison Street
La Vista, NE 68128
Louisiana Contractors License No. 72063
Delivery: 0 Days
For entire project Classic Protective Coatings, Inc. =SEALED= 19-May-2023 3:33:16 PM CDT
Bid Enclosed:
City of Thibodaux North Canal Street/Martin Luther King Water Tower Painting
Classic Protective Coatings, Inc. 
N7670 State Road 25 Menomonie, WI 54751
License #70513
Delivery: 0 Days
For entire project Southern Coatings, LLC =SEALED= 22-May-2023 7:19:10 AM CDT
Bid From: Southern Coatings, LLC
                 1064 Maurice Road
                  Broussard, La 70518
Contractor's License #71151
Ph#: 318-359-9027
Email: [email protected]
Project Title: North Canal Street / Martin Luther King Water Tower Painting
Bid To: City of Thibodaux
            City Hall
            Council Chambers
            2nd Floor
            310 West 2nd Street
            Thibodaux, La 70301
Delivery: 0 Days
For entire project Utility Service Co., Inc. =SEALED= 22-May-2023 7:38:22 AM CDT
310 W 2ND ST.


P. O. BOX 1350
PERRY, GA 31069


Delivery: 0 Days
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed