FIRETRUCK - 1995 E-One F-80 Pumper VIN# A02653
Mississippi > Town of Mize
Sealed Bid: 44735917
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Town of Mize does hereby offer for sale to the highest bidder the following surplus property:
1995 F-80 CC VIN 1FDYF80E2SVA02653
Bidders must submit a sealed bid to the Town Clerk on or before Monday, April 1, 2024 (12:00 AM).
Hard copy bids can be submitted to the Town Hall, 109 North Oak Street, Mize, MS, or electronic bids can be submitted through Central Bidding.
The item listed above may be viewed at the Mize VFD. 
If you have any additional questions concerning the surplus property listed above, please contact Town Hall at 601-733-2221.

*The Town of Mize reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

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