2024 Pipe Bursting Sewer Rehab
Arkansas > Rogers Water Utilities
Sealed Bid: 79376873
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The project consists of installation of approximately 2950 linear feet of 6” sewer main and 355 linear feet of 8” sewer main by pipe bursting with approximately 100 service connections. 

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
All updates/changes are listed below::
05-Oct-2023 9:45:44 AM CDT
I am sorry for this last addendum, but it appears that my last addendum did not follow State Code. I had to add a specific bid item for Trench Safety.
04-Oct-2023 2:18:20 PM CDT
Addendum 2 has been added to cover a change to Bid Item 3 to now be Pipe Bursting 6" to 8" and add a new Bid Item for Fence Repair.
27-Sep-2023 3:07:27 PM CDT
An Addendum has been added in which updates the details for the specifications of the work and answers a question about the depths of the manholes on the job.