Debris Monitoring and Management
Louisiana > City of Sulphur
RFP: 97352091
Listing Information/Advertisement:

PACKAGE CONTENTS: RFP Proposal Debris Monitoring and Management
SECTION I – General Instructions
SECTION II- Proposal Format and Criteria for Award 
SECTION III – Scope of Services 
SECTION IV – Method of Compensation
EXHIBIT “A” – Price Proposal Form 

Notice is Hereby given that the City of Sulphur will be receiving sealed proposals at the Sulphur City Hall located at 101 N. Huntington Street, Sulphur, LA 70663 for:
Sulphur Disaster Response Services
RFP-2023-Debris Monitoring and Management
The City of Sulphur is seeking experienced and qualified firms/individuals to assist the City in the monitoring and management of disaster recovery efforts resulting from a declared emergency or disaster event.
Proposal Due Date, Time and Location:
February 6, 2023 
4:00 p.m.
Sulphur City Hall, 101 N. Huntington Street, Sulphur, LA 70663
Mike Danahay 
Dru Ellender, District 1
Nick Nezat, District 2
Melinda Hardy. District 3
Joy Abshire, District 4
Mandy Thomas, District 5
Austin Abrahams
Jennifer Thorn


SECTION I – General Instructions
SECTION II- Proposal Format and Criteria for Award 
SECTION III – Scope of Services 
SECTION IV – Method of Compensation
EXHIBIT “A” – Price Proposal Form 
1) Invitation
The City of Sulphur, hereinafter referred to as “CITY”, requests written proposals (or electronic responses) from experienced and qualified firms to assist the CITY in the monitoring of Debris Removal Firm(s) in the removal of debris (vegetative, C&D and/or hazardous materials- as each situation warrants) resulting from a catastrophic event. 
The CITY will accept proposals from individuals, corporations, partnerships and other legal entities licensed and authorized to do business in the State of Louisiana, until 4:00 P.M., Central Time Zone, February 6, 2023. 
Contract Award 
The CITY reserves the right to award this contract to one or more firms – as necessary – who submit proposals judged to be most advantageous to the City.
This contract will most likely be awarded to one Prime CONTRACTOR and it will be his/her responsibility to ensure all aspects of the Request for Proposal (RFP be complied with. After the award, said Proposer(s) will be referred to as the “CONTRACTOR”. For the purpose of this document, the term “Proposer” means the Prime CONTRACTOR acting on its own behalf and those individuals, partnerships, firms or corporations comprising the Proposer team. The term “proposal” means the complete response of the Proposer to the Request for Proposal, including properly completed forms and supporting documentation. If applicable, the successful CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded must at all time, while this contract is in effect, be in compliance with 44CFR Parts 13 and 206.
The Proposer understands that this RFP does not constitute an agreement or contract with the Proposer. A proposal is not binding until proposals are reviewed and accepted by the CITY and both parties execute a contract.
The successful CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded also understand that; a) in the event the Corp of Engineers offer their services prior to a hurricane landfall, the CITY may task them with the debris removal operations and the CITY may not be activating this contract; and b) should the Corp of Engineers offer their service after this contract has been activated, at that time the CITY may accept the Corp of Engineers offer and this contract may be cancelled seventy-two (72) hours after written notification from the CITY. 
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires that a contract be awarded for Debris Removal as well as Debris Monitoring. The CITY will issue a separate Request for Proposal for Debris Removal Services. In the event the CITY does not offer an award for BOTH services (Debris Removal and Monitoring), an award may not be offered for either service. 
The CITY reserves the right to make changes to this RFP, post award, through a written agenda issued by the CITY. 
2) Special Conditions
3.1 Oral Instructions/ Changes to the RFP (Addenda)
No negotiations, decisions, or actions will be initiated or executed by a proposer as a result from any oral discussions with a CITY employee. Only those communications which are in writing from the CITY will be considered as a duly authorized expression on behalf of the CITY. 
3.2 Proposal Submission
Submission of Paper Proposal: One (1) Signed original response, marked “ORIGINAL” and three (3) copies, marked “COPY” of the proposal are to be submitted to the City of Sulphur. In addition to the hard copies, one digital should by submitted in PDF format. 
Contact Person: All questions must be submitted in writing no less than seven (7) days prior to the opening of proposals. Questions regarding the proposal may be addressed to:
 City of Sulphur  
Attn: Austin Abrahams
Director of Public Works
101 N. Huntington Street 
Sulphur, LA 70663
Phone: (337) 527-4510
Email: [email protected]
3.3 Proposal Restrictions
In order to control the cost of preparation, submittals should be restricted to a maximum of thirty (30) pages, one-sided, excluding cover letter, index, resumes, dividers, and required forms. 
3.4 Qualifications
a) General
The CITY will determine whether the Proposer is qualified to perform the services being contracted based upon their proposal demonstrating satisfactory experience and capability in the work area. The Proposer shall identify necessary experience personnel and facilities to support the activities associated with this proposal.
b) Qualifications of Key Personnel 
Those individuals who will be directly involved in the project should have demonstrated experience in the areas delineated in the scope of work. Individuals whose qualifications are presented will be committed to the project for its durations unless otherwise accepted by the Department’s Project Manager. Where CITY registrations or certification is deemed appropriate, a copy of the registration or certificate should be provided upon request of the CITY. 
c) Authorized To Do Business in the State of Louisiana
Companies submitting proposals must be authorized to do business in the State of Louisiana. Such authorization should be obtained by the proposal due date and time. 
d) Licensed to Conduct Business in the State of Louisiana
If the business being provided requires that individuals be licensed by the State of Louisiana or Calcasieu Parish, such licenses should be obtained by the proposal due date and time. 
3) Scope of Services 
Details of the services, information and items to be furnished by the CONTRACTOR are described in Scope of Services, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 
4) Insurance Requirements
Prior to commencing work hereunder, Vendor at his/its expense will procure and maintain the following minimum insurance naming the City- as an additional insured for both ongoing and completed operations on liability coverage and furnish certificates as to such on the City’s standard certificate form or standard Acord form certifying the coverage as follows:
Contractor shall maintain the following minimum insurance coverages for the duration of the contract with carriers having a current A.M. Best Rating A-: VI or better. Such limits are minimum limits and do not serve as a cap on Contractor’s liability under this contract.
5.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance 
The Vendor shall have and maintain during the life of the contract, Commercial General Liability Insurance in at least the following limits:
Limits $1,000,000 each occurrence
$2,000,000 general aggregate
$1,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate
$1,000,000 personal injury and advertising coverage
Such insurance shall name the City of Sulphur as additional insured for both ongoing and completed operations by use of endorsements CG 20 10 and 20 37 or equivalent. Such insurance shall provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Sulphur and be primary and noncontributory with any coverage maintained by the City of Sulphur.
5.2 Business Automobile Liability Insurance
The Vendor shall have and maintain during the life of this contract, Comprehensive Automobile Liability, including owned, non-owned and hired vehicle, of below minimum limits.
Limits $1,000,000 combined single limit
Such insurance shall name the City of Sulphur as additional insured, contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Sulphur, and be primary and noncontributory with any insurance coverage maintained by the City of Sulphur.
5.3 Workers’ Compensation Insurance.
Limits- Statutory benefits for the State in which operations are being performed Employers’ Liability Insurance.
Limits $1,000,000 each accident
$1,000,000 each employee – disease
$1,000,000 policy limit – disease
Such insurance shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Sulphur. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless Owner and its employees, officers, and agents, from and against all losses, expenses, liens, claims, demands, damages, or causes of action of every kind of character whatsoever, for the injury to or death of any persons or damage to property, including costs, attorney’s fees and settlements, arising out of or in any way related to Contractor’s operations under this agreement.
The Vendor shall not cause any insurance to be cancelled or permit any insurance to lapse.
All insurance policies shall contain a clause to the effect that the City shall receive by written notice as evidenced by return receipt of registered or certified letter a ten (10) day notice of non-payment of premiums and notice on cancellation or non-renewal on the policy in accordance with policy provisions.
In all instances, Vendor must procure insurance naming the City of Sulphur as an additional insured for ongoing and completed operations on the general and auto liability coverage and include a waiver of subrogation and be primary and noncontributory with any insurance maintained by the City.
5) Unauthorized Aliens
The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274 (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of the contract. 
6) Reservations
The CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, received and reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposals submitted. Therefore, the proposals should be submitted initially in the most favorable manner. It is understood that the proposal will become a part of the CITY’s official file, without obligation to the CITY. Upon opening, proposals become “public records” and shall be subject to public disclosure. 
7) Additional Terms and Conditions
No conditions may be applied to any aspect of the RFP by the proposer. Any condition placed on any aspect of the proposal documents by the proposer may result in the proposal being rejected as a conditional proposal. DO NOT WRITE CHANGES ON ANY RFP SHEET. The only recognized changes to the RFP prior to proposal opening will be a written addenda issue by the CITY.
8) Beginning and Length of Services 
The performance period of the Agreement shall commence upon execution of the contract and shall be a three (3) year contract utilized on an "as needed" basis with the option to renew for an additional two (2) year period upon the mutual consent of both parties. Services will begin and be performed as directed by the Letter of Authorization, issued in accordance with Section IV of this RFP. Any renewal shall be mutually agreed to in writing by the CITY and CONTRACTOR, subject to the same terms, prices, and conditions set forth in this RFP and Agreement.
1) Responsiveness of Proposals
Proposals will not be considered if not received by the CITY on or before the date and time specified as the due date for submission. All paper proposals must be typed of printed in ink. A responsive proposal is an offer to perform the scope of services called for in the RFP in accordance with all requirements of the RFP. Proposals found to be non-responsive shall not be considered. Proposals may be rejected if found to be irregular or not in conformance with the requirements and instructions contained herein. A proposal may be found to be irregular or non-responsive by reasons that include, but are not limited to, indefinite or ambiguous proposals, and improper and /or undated signatures. 
Other conditions which may cause rejection of proposals include, but are not limited to, evidence of collusion among Proposer, obvious lack of experience or expertise to perform the required work, failure to perform or meet financial obligations on previous contracts, or in the event an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation is on the United States Controller General’s List of Ineligible Contractors for Federally Financed of Assisted Projects. 
2) Proposal Requirements 
The Proposer shall provide a management plan which describes administration, management and key personnel and other pertinent information listed below.
2.1 Management Plan
a) Administration, Management and General Qualifications (15 points):
Multiple firms or joint venture teams should clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of the proposed participants. Team and project management structure should be documented. The principle within the prime firm responsible for the project should be identified and a statement presented that those persons would not be substituted without the express permission of the CITY.
In order to help determine Contractor General Qualifications please respond to the questions listed below, in the order in which they are asked:
a1) Has the Proposer ever been terminated from a contract? If so, provide details including the client information, contact number and type of work performed and reason for termination. 
a2) Has the Proposer ever failed to complete any work awarded to them? If so, where and why?
a3) Has the Proposer, its principles, officers, or predecessor organization ever been debarred of suspended from bidding any federal, state or local government agency during the last five (5) years? If yes, provide details.
a4) List and describe all criminal proceedings or hearings concerning business related offenses in which the Proposer, its principles, officers or predecessor organizations were defendants?
a5) List all claims, arbitrations, administrative hearings and lawsuits brought by or against the Proposer, its predecessor organizations, or any wholly owned subsidiary during the last five (5) years. 
a6) Provide the names and contact numbers of entities for whom you provided debris removal services over the last 5 (years).
b) Identification of Key Personnel and Individual Qualifications (10 points) 
Proposers should submit the resumes of key personnel to be involved in the contract. Proposers should specifically identify the lead personnel on the project and his / her qualifications. Describe the qualifications and experience of key personnel that will provide these services including demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the types of service to be performed; previous experience in similar or related work; local codes, laws and regulation governing the work, especially any business relationships with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representatives. Also list the position titles and the number of support personnel available that will work on this contract. The Project Management Team should consist of, but is not limited to the following positions:
• Project Manager 
• Operations Manager 
• FEMA Coordinator
• Scheduler
• GIS Analyst
• Field Supervisors
• Temporary Debris Staging and Reduction Site (TDSRS) Monitors 
• Environmental Specialist 
• Load Ticket Data Entry Clerks
• QA/QC Inspector
• Billing and Invoice Analysts
• FEMA Reimbursement Manager
• Contractor Crew Monitors
The Proposer shall provide an estimate of the percentage of work to be completed by subcontractors. 
2.2 Technical Plan
a) Technical Approach (10 points) 
Show evidence of the Proposer’s ability to manage tasks simultaneously and expeditiously, especially if the company has additional contracts for service in other areas of the state of country; approach to problem / task resolution; and teamwork. 
The Proposer shall provide a detailed list of all of the services that the company is able to provide and explain how these services will be accomplished. Please include a guaranteed response time in this portion of the submittal. 
b) Quality Management, Training, Experience and References (15 points):
Provide information indicative of experience of other projects of similar complexity that documents successful and reliable experiences in past performances within the last five (5) years, as it relates to tis proposal. A reference list for each Proposer is required, to demonstrate the company’s long-term commitment and investment in the emergency disaster services field; including a current list of clients, type of contract and dollar amount, including name, project, and telephone number. 
The Proposer must demonstrate that they, or the principals assigned to the project, have successfully completed services, similar to those specified in the Scope of Services, to at least one (1) agency similar in size and complexity to that of Calcasieu Parish. 
The Proposer’s company should be currently engaged in emergency disaster services on a full-time basis, year-round, for a minimum of five (5) years, with dedicated management and administrative support staff, including housed employees and company-owned equipment. The Proposer shall have the financial strength to assume extensive and large expenditures. 
2.3 Work Plan (25 points) 
Proposer should demonstrate their understanding of the scope of services required for emergency disaster assistance; understanding how these services effect the community and the economic impact understanding the need to work with City officials and the community; and the willingness to design the best response plan to meet the CITY’s needs in the event of a disaster. Proposers should also include details of their plan as to how they will train and utilize local labor during the recovery effort. 
2.4 Price (20 pints): 
Price Proposals will be opened if the vendor meets the required minimum points award for Technical Proposal submittals (see Proposal Evaluation). Proposer may receive up to a maximum twenty (20) points added to their Technical Proposal Score. 
2.5 Current Commitment (5 points):
The Proposer will list all current contractual obligations regarding debris removal services for all clients on the Gulf Coast, including but not limited to, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. 
3) Costs Incurred in Responding
This RFP does not commit the CITY or any other public agency to pay any cost incurred by an individual firm, partnership, or corporation in the submission of a proposal or to make necessary studies or designs for the preparation thereof, nor to procure or contract for any articles or services. 
4) Proposal Evaluation
4.1 Evaluation Process 
The City of Sulphur will review and evaluate each proposal submitted in response to this RFP. The City of Sulphur’s review team will include individuals with background, experience, and /or professional credentials in relative service areas. The review team will each receive a copy of the proposal submitted and will independently evaluate the proposal based on the criteria established in the section below “Criteria for Evaluation” in order to ensure that proposals are uniformly rated. The review team will assign points to the proposal. The Proposer must attain a score of sixty (60) points or higher (not including points for price) on the Technical Proposal to be considered responsive. Should a Proposer receive fewer than sixty (60) points on their Technical Proposal score, the Price Proposal will not be considered. 
4.2 Price Proposal: 
The Proposer shall complete the Price Proposal form and submit as part of the Price Proposal Package. Any proposal in which this form is not used or in which the form is improperly executed may be considered non-responsive and the proposal will be subject to rejection. The CONTRACTOR’s completed form shall become part of the contract upon award of the contract. 
The City of Sulphur will open Price Proposals. The City of Sulphur and /or its review team will review and evaluate the (1) technical proposals, then (2) price proposals and prepare a summary of its price evaluation. The Purchasing Agent and /or the City of Sulphur and /or its review team will assign points based on technical evaluation criteria identified herein. 
4.3 Criteria for Evaluation of Technical Proposal:
Proposals will be evaluated and graded in accordance with the criteria detailed below. The Technical evaluation is based on an 80-point scale. 
Technical evaluation is the process of reviewing the Proposer’s Management Plan, Technical Plan, Work Plan, and Current Commitments for understanding of the project, qualifications, approach and capabilities, and to assure a quality service. 
The following point system is established for scoring the technical proposals:
Point Value
1. Management Plan                    25
Administration, Management, 
and General Qualifications (15)
Identification of Key Personnel
and Individual Qualifications (10)
2. Technical Plan        25
    Technical Approach (10)
Quality Management, Training
Experiences and References (15)
3. Work Plan        25
4. Current Commitments         5
Total Possible Points        80
4.4 Criteria for Evaluation of Price Proposal:
Proposals will be evaluated and graded in accordance with the criteria detailed below. The rating of the price proposal will be determined based on the following formula:
Each proposer will submit an hourly rate for each respective position or classification detailed in the proposal. Proposal shall be evaluated for reasonableness. 
The following point system is established for scoring the price proposals:
Point Value
1. Price        20
Total Possible Points        20
4.5 Termination:
This contract may be terminated for cause and convenience. Contract may be terminated at any time, for any reason. 
This contract will be terminated if at any time collusion between CONTRACTORS to whom this contract is awarded, is suspected. 
1) General: 
The CITY requires the professional services of a debris monitoring and management contractor to provide support in oversight and management of disaster recovery operations. The successful CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded shall provide all services (on an as needed basis) described herein as well as any other necessary services not listed, which may be required, in order to complete the project. It will be the Monitor’s responsibility to ensure that Debris Removal Contractor complies with his/her duties and ensure the CITY receives maximum reimbursement from FEMA for disaster related cleanups. 
Activates for which the Monitoring CONTRACTOR will be responsible include, but are not limited to, management of disaster recovery efforts, payment and reimbursement allocation and audit services. It is imperative that the CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded, ensures that all debris removal and waste management services care in accordance with all applicable federal and state law, environmental regulations and FEMA requirements. 
Upon request by the CITY, the CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded will be required to participate in a pre-planning workshop and / or training exercise at least once per year at no cost to the CITY. 
Proper documentation as required by FEMA or other State and Federal natural disaster response agencies shall be provided for all debris removal operations to ensure reimbursement to the CITY from the appropriate agency.
The CITY will not provide price adjustments for cost increases or decreases in the price of fuel. 
It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to whom this contract is awarded to provide the following to its personnel, subcontractor, and its personnel; Communications; Life Support (housing and sustenance); fuel and gas, special needs (security, food service, laundry service, charter aircraft, etc.); mobile command center and any other supplies that may be deemed necessary. 
The CONTRACTOR shall provide technical guidance and consultation before, during and after the disaster event. CONTRACTOR shall provide administrative support for contracted operations; staff to work with City of Sulphur officials; field supervisors; operators; drivers and laborers, along with appropriate vehicles and any necessary equipment and /or tools to ensure a successful recovery operation.
The CONTRACTOR to whom this is awarded will be required to come to Sulphur within 30 days of contract award, obtain copies of our city maps and prepare a pre-hurricane survey. CONTRACTOR will be required to compose a plan describing what they will do; how they will do it; and a time table- when they will do it. The plan will be due thirty (30) days after initial visit to Sulphur. 
Roads will be identified by the CITY and direction given to the CONTRACTOR as to which road and limits the CONTRACTOR will be responsible. The CITY reserves the right to add or delete roadway segments at the direction of the debris removal Project Manager at no additional cost to the CITY. The CITY, at its sole discretion, may elect to perform work with in-house forces or additional contract forces at any time throughout the debris operations. 
The Prime CONTRACTOR may be called upon throughout the year to render services to assist the CITY with special needs events for other than full-scale disasters. 
Work will begin upon written authorization by the CITY. No guarantee of minimum or maximum amounts per bid item is made by the CITY under this contract. No adjustment to proposal prices will be considered due to increases or decreases in estimated disaster recovery time. 
The CITY, at its sole of discretion, may award one or more contracts based on the proposals received and the impact of natural disasters encountered. If more than one award is made, such award will be to the highest (points) proposer, and then to the next highest proposer(s) based on availability of the proposer’s and the proposer’s ability to satisfy the needs of the CITY at the time contacted
Monitoring debris removal operations achieves two objectives:
a) Verifying that the work completed by the contractor of Debris Removal is within the scope of work;
b) Providing the required documentation for Public Assistance grant reimbursement
Field and Site monitors must have a good understanding of eligible debris and any time limits imposed on picking up specific types of debris. Debris monitors should have experience working on construction sites and be familiar with safety regulations. Primarily, debris monitors should be able to estimate debris quantities, differentiate between debris types, properly fill out load tickets and follow safety procedures. 
The Debris Monitoring Services contract must be awarded to a contractor who has no vested interest in the debris removal contract or contractor. There must be no conflict or interest between the monitoring contractor and the debris removal contractor. 
Debris monitors will be required to submit the following reports and /or any additional reports the CITY deems appropriate:
• Debris collected from curbside and /or collection centers 
• Debris accepted at the TDSRS and /or final disposition
• Debris recycled/reduced at the RDSRS and taken to final disposition
• Any operational safety issues 
Changes to the scope and responsibilities listed in this Contract may be made at anytime during the contractual period in order to satisfy FEMA and/or CITY requirements. 
2) Services to be Provided by the Contractor
2.1 Disaster Response Administration and Documentation: 
Upon notification of the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall establish a Project Manager who will be responsible for the overall monitoring and management of the Consultant’s monitoring team. The Project Manager shall also serve as the consultant’s poin of contact for all parties involved in the disaster recovery operation. The Project Manager will be physically located in the City of Sulphur’s Emergency Operations Center or location specified by the City of Sulphur. The Project Manager shall be supported by any and all necessary resources to enhance efficiency and expedite deliverables. The Project Manager’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to: 
• Coordinating daily meetings, work progress, staffing and any other objectives necessary for the City of Sulphur. 
• Daily scheduling of work for all monitoring team members and contractors 
• Daily review of disaster recovery efforts and making / implementing recommendations to improve efficiency, speed and safety. 
• Assisting the CITY in public notifications, responses, concerns, and comments. 
• Conducting Safety Inspections
• Scheduling and managing periodic status meetings will all parties (contractors, monitors, etc)
The Project Manager shall assemble a project management team consisting of following positions at a minimum:
• Operations Manager
• FEMA Coordinator
• Scheduler
• GIS Analyst
• Field Supervisors
• Temporary Debris Staging and Reduction Sites (TDSRS) Monitors
• Environmental Specialist
• Load Ticket Data Entry Clerks 
• QA/QC Inspector 
• Billing and Invoice Analysts 
• FEMA Reimbursement Manager 
• Contractor Crew Monitors 
The CONTRACTOR may choose to establish alternative positions other than the recommended team structure above but shall only do so with the written approval of the CITY. All positions and their applicable hourly rates shall be listed in the price proposal form. 
2.2 Operational Reports and Record Documentation:
The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit Debris Monitor Reports. Debris monitor reports must use only reporting documents that are approved for use by the CITY, ensuring that all reporting documents are consistent regardless of who performs the work. Paper and /or electronic reporting documents should include, but not be limited to:
• Date,
• Contractor Name
• Contract Number
• Actual labor hours worked
• Equipment being utilized 
• Actual equipment hours operated  
• Type and specification used 
• Size of hauling bed in cubic yards
• License plat number of truck hauling debris 
• Truck Identification number 
• Short physical description of truck 
• GIS data
• Time of Completion
• All team member information (name, position, etc.) involved in the collection of the data 
Each monitor will be required to keep a copy of the load ticket, and the driver /contractor keeps three (3) copies for billing purposes. 
2.3 Technical Expertise and Guidance:
The CITY will be required to rely on the CONTRACTOR’S technical experience and recommendations during recovery operations. The CONTRACTOR shall be prepared to manage and assist the CITY in the development of the following tasks:
• Damage Assessment of the City (all public facilities and rights of ways)
• Staff training and augmentation
• Establishing a debris management plan
• Project management to include the formation and management of permanent work projects and task force management 
• Technical support and assistance in developing public information 
• Technical support and assistance in coordination of all local, state, and federal agency responses. 
2.4 Field Operations
The CONTRACTOR will in the presence of the CITY’s personnel or their designated representative perform the following listed services:
• Upon notification from the CITY, the CONTRACTOR has within eighteen (18) hours to have a representative on site at the CITY’s Emergency Operations Center (prior to a hurricane landfall) and will have sufficient crews mobilized to the area within twenty- four (24) hours after hurricane landfall and notification from the representative. Hours can only be extended with written approval from the CITY. Work crews will be expected to work daylight hours, seven (7) days a week as necessary. 
• Documenting daily and weekly disaster recovery work such as; removing all debris on the affected roadways from within the right-of-way (ROW) as directed and authorized by the CITY and / or their designated representative, cutting fallen vegetative debris, removing stumps, leaning trees and dangerous limbs; removing debris from drainage structures, ditches and canals; picking up and loading vegetative and construction and demolition (C & D) debris; hauling material to a TDSRS; volume reduction at the TDSRS; final hauling to an appropriate disposal site.
• Once road priorities are established by the CITY and /or its representative, monitors will ensure work crews complete entire sectors and /or corridors prior to moving on to other areas.  No assigned streets should be bypassed on quantity of debris alone. 
• Temporarily halting recovery work that is not being performed or documented in the appropriate manner.
• Periodically inspecting debris material being collected and ensuring that the proper procedures and disposal /storage locations are being utilized.
• Verify all necessary work authorizations, permits and other prerequisites have been executed.
• Maintain digital photo documentation of disaster recovery work.
• Ensure all contractor and subcontractor personnel have and utilize personal protective safety gear in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and/or FEMA requirements and company safety policies. 
• Coordinate with utility companies, as required, to permit safe removal of debris.
• Provide hotspot crews to respond to hazardous debris conditions the same day as directed by the CITY or its representative. 
2.5 Meetings and Communications:
Open, timely discussions and detailed documentation are significant actions to the successful completion of the Disaster Response Plan. Throughout the implementation of the plan, the CONTRACTOR will be required to conduct progress and coordination meetings with the CITY and its representatives on a regular / periodic basis. The CONTRACTOR will also be required to attend all pre-disaster and post-disaster meetings requested by the CITY. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for documentation and issuance of all meeting minutes. Minutes shall be provided within three (3) business days after the meeting occurs. 
In the event, between the CITY and other local, state and federal agencies are necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall be prepared to provide a representative and any necessary documentation relevant to the meeting’s agenda or as requested by the CITY.
2.6 Review, Permits, Licenses and Certificates:
A wide variety of permits, licenses and certificates may be required to perform disaster recovery operations. The CONTRACTOR will be required to assist the CITY in obtaining the necessary permits, licenses and certificates required by any local, state and federal regulation agencies. Upon the CITY’s approval and receipt of any permits and licenses, the CONTRACTOR, on behalf of the CITY, shall be responsible for the management and compliance by all parties of the rules and regulations enacted under such permits and licenses.
2.7 Final Report: 
The CONTRACTOR is responsible for preparing and submitting to the CITY a comprehensive final report of all disaster recovery operations monitored and managed by their respective firm. The report is required within thirty (30) days of the completion of all disaster recovery operations. At a minimum, the following information shall be included in the report: 
• Discussion and summarization of disaster response requirements and results. 
• Recommendations for future disaster response strategies. 
• Copies of any certificates, manifests, log books or any other operational related documents and materials. 
2.8 Event Close – Out:
The CONTRACTOR will assist the CITY in preparing all documentation necessary for the reimbursement of disaster recovery expenditures from FEMA, FHWA and any other applicable agency. 
2.9 Other Services:
The CONTRACTOR shall also be required to provide the following:
• Training and Assistance- CONTRACTOR shall conduct training sessions for all personnel involved in the monitoring and management of disaster recovery operations. Monitoring staff shall be trained and instructed to follow all current local, state and federal guidelines (FEMA, GOHSEP, etc.)
• Preliminary Damage Assessment -  CONTRACTOR shall determine the impact and magnitude of the disaster prior to federal assistance being requested. Assessment shall include identifying damaged locations and facilities, pre and post disaster estimates of debris, documenting eligible costs and describing the physical and financial impact of the disaster. 
• Debris Planning Efforts – CONTRACTOR shall assist the CITY as requested in tall debris recovery efforts. Efforts may include but are not limited to the development of a debris management plan, assistance in the identification and assessment of the TDSRS, estimation of quantities, and emergency action plans for debris removal. 
• Digitization of All Source Documentation – CONTRACTOR shall input all source documentation into a CITY approved format to be provided to the CITY upon request. A sample of the anticipated formal shall be reviewed and approved by the CITY prior to its implementation by the CONTRACTOR. Load tickets, supplies and daily reports shall be submitted to the CITY in PDF format along with each invoice. Invoices (Debris Removal CONTRACTOR and Monitor) shall be submitted in a format acceptable by the CITY and in accordance with federal, state, and local rules, regulations and laws. Invoices shall include original receipts and all backup necessary to support the quantities and amounts invoiced. 
• Soil Sampling – CONTRACTOR shall provide pre and post sampling from of the TDSRS. 
• Mapping- CONTRACTOR shall provide legible and scalable size map including documented sensitive areas (wetlands, historical sites, etc.), recovery area limits, street names, and anticipated priority work zones if available. 
2.10 Schedule:
The Contractor during the Preliminary Damage Assessment, shall provide an estimated schedule of disaster recovery operations. Based on the estimated schedule, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY an estimated fee for monitoring and management services. The fee shall be representative of the hourly rates proposed under the Price Proposal Form. The projected CONTRACTOR fee will be utilized as a mutually agreed no-to-exceed fee. During the course of disaster recovery efforts, the CONTRACTOR shall advise the CITY of any projected overruns and additional costs. In the event the CONTRACTOR’s services are required for a longer period of time, the CONTRACTOR will prepare and submit a proposal for additional costs, consistent with the rates provided in the Price Proposal Form.
2.11 Administration and Paperwork:
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible that each invoice submitted for payment, include a certification Disbursement of Previous Periodic Payment to any subcontractors and the amount paid to all subcontractors performing work under this contract date. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring the disaster recovery contractors preparation of all invoices in a format acceptable to the CITY and in accordance with all federal, state and local rules, regulations and laws. Invoices must be submitted in hard copy and electronic format, in a database program compatible with Excel. Invoices shall include original receipts and all backup necessary to support the quantities and amounts invoiced. Invoices shall illustrate pay item, pay item number, pay item description, current pay item quantity and cost, total to date pay item quantity and cost. 
3) Services to be Provided by CITY or its Designated Representative
3.1 Administration and Paperwork
Spreadsheet format for invoices will be provided to properly document the contract work in accordance with LADOTD, FHWA and FEMA requirements. 
3.2 Payment
Progress payments, less five percent (5%) retainage, will be made in accordance with the Fee Rates shown in the submittal forms. Progress invoices and payments shall be structured for billable periods not to exceed 31 days. Such payments will be made upon the completion of all work performed as required in Section 1 and 2 of Section III- Scope of Services, for the invoice period. Proposal prices shall include all direct costs for performing the work as required as well as indirect costs including, but not limited to, administrative costs, all overheads and profits. The retainage will be paid to the CONTRACTOR upon satisfactory completion of the entire project, including final approval of expense by FEMA – if required. 
1) Purpose 
This exhibit defines the limits and method of compensation to be made to the CONTRACTOR for services set forth in Section III and the method by which payments are made. 
2) Assignment of Work:
The CITY shall request CONTRACTOR services on an as-needed basis. Services to be provided on each project will be initiated and completed as directed by the CONTRACTOR. A “Letter of Authorization” will be issued for each project.
3) Compensation:
This is a Term Contract for an Indefinite Quantity whereby the CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish services during a prescribed period of time. The specific period of time completes such a contract. The CITY will authorize services based on need and availability of budget. Execution of this Agreement does not guarantee that the work will be authorized.  
4) Progress Payments:
The CONTRACTOR shall submit monthly invoices, for a period not exceeding 31 days, in a format acceptable to the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for the amount of time incurred by each staff classification /position based on the hourly rates proposed under the Proposal Price Form or as approved by the CITY. The unit billing rates shall include cost of salaries, overhead, fringe benefits, and operating margin. Invoices shall be submitted to:
City of Sulphur 
Attn: Austin Abrahams
101 N. Huntington Street
Sulphur, LA 70663
Progress payments, less five percent (5%) retainage, will be made in accordance with the Fee Rates shown in submittal forms. Such payments will be made upon the completion of all work performed as required in Section III- Scope of Services, for the invoice period. Proposal prices shall include all direct cost for performing the work as required as well as all indirect costs including, but not limited to, administrative costs, all overheads, and profits. The retainage will be paid to the CONTRACTOR upon satisfactory completion of the entire project, including final approval of expense by FEMA- if required. 
5) Tangible Property:
This contract does not involve the purchase of tangible property.
CONTRACTOR’s Equipment – City of Sulphur will not be responsible for replacement /repair of equipment/material that may sustain damage in the performance of services under this contract. 
CONTRACTOR’s equipment used during the effective period of this contract is expected to adequately perform the duties at hand in a reasonable time and in a safe manner. Should the CITY at any time determine a CONTRACTOR is using equipment that is not effective and efficient in executing the duties of the contract, the CONTRACTOR will replace defective equipment when the CITY makes such request in writing. 

Creator Username: COSLAD
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 06-Jan-2023 10:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 06-Feb-2023 4:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 1562 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 06-Feb-2023 4:00:00 PM CST
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11-Jan-2023 8:44:46 AM CST
Addendum Notice: Added Anti Collusion, Drug Free Workplace and Price Proposal Form 1/11/2023